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Different Windows- 4 AU looks at what might have happened if dawn had been sent to somone else

Responsible- depressing story about Dawn getting turned.

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What if Dawn would have been reached a little too late that Halloween?

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters, I’m just playing with them. My larcenous mind has not thought of a way to make any money out of this so please do not sue me.

Even the rain stunk here, running in streams down the filthy streets and washing oily rubbish down the storm drains. He stopped the car outside the block, getting his hair wet as he locked it. God, this place stunk of dirt and stale sweat and booze and despair. Spike snarled, suddenly angry. How could she have ended up here? This was the sort of place he belonged, not her. Never her.

He shook his head as he walked into the lobby, glancing over at the man who ran this flophouse from behind his iron cage, scattering water droplets onto the urine stained carpet. The owner was watching some sitcom, the canned laughter depressing in this sinkhole. Spike walked up stairs, ignored except for the CCTV, which wasn’t able to see him in any case.

He found her the old fashioned way, by smell. Picking out her scent through the morass he followed it to the room. The door was battered and broken, how many times had it been kicked open and just bodged back together? No one living here would worry, they wouldn’t have anything worth stealing anyway.

Spike hesitated, hand poised to knock. He felt suddenly unsure, afraid of what he might find. All these years….what, eight? No, nine. Nine years, five months and sixteen days. Vampire memory was not always a blessing, perfect recall could be a curse.

He knocked, hearing the TV being turned down. A voice, her voice.

“Who is it?”

“Spike. Let me in.” he was afraid for a moment that she would just turn the TV up again. All these years looking for her and she could just ignore him. Might not want to see him. He could not blame her, he didn’t want to see himself sometimes.

The door opened, and the stink hit him. God, he’d never lived like this. The place stunk of booze and sweat, and stale blood. She stepped back, not smiling. She just looked at him.

“Wanna come in?”

“Yes.” He stepped into the room as she shut the door and moved over to sit on the flea infested bed.

“Long time Spike.”

“Long time Dawn.” He studied her face, she had aged despite…the life she’d been living would have done that. Still had those big eyes though, and that lovely hair though she’d shortened it a little. She sat there, suddenly looking away and playing with her fingers nervously. For a moment he could imagine her as that little girl again and his hart ached.

“You… your hair.”

“Didn’t like the colour.” He ran a hand through his dark tangle, “You cut yours.”

“Gets in the way.” She shrugged, “when I…”

“Know the problem, can I sit?” She nodded so he sat beside her, at a loss for what to say though he had spent nearly a decade planning for this moment. He felt like howling at his own impotence. What could he say that would make it all better?

“Got to say you like the high life.” Awkward silence.

“How did you find me?” she didn’t seam angry or frightened, just resigned.

“Got my ways, nibblet. Didn’t get to be the Big Bad by letting folks get away from me.”

“Does it still work? The chip?”

He shrugged, “Haven’t tried it for a while. Last time was only a little jolt…Willow reckons the battery’s half dead.”

“How is she?”

“Up and down. Had a bad patch after you left, Tara got her back on the straight and narrow though. Got some job fixing computers, bit of a let down for her parents really.”

“And…how is she?”

“Reason I’m here.”

She nodded, closing her eyes and turning to face him, “Make it quick Spike.” She held her breath and waited. He frowned, suddenly seizing her arms and shaking her.

“That’s not what I’m here for!” he hissed, trying to be angry but just hurt. He shook her and she opened those eyes again, looking sadly at him.

“Why then?”

“I’m here to take you back.”

“But…what I did-“

“I’m responsible.” He blinked back tears, “Now don’t be trying any of your little tricks either, nibblet. I might not have the hair but I’m older then you, and I’m still Spike.”

She nodded, and they rose. She didn’t have any thing to pack, Vampires travel light.


“OH my God!” Buffy was screaming, shaking Dawns limp body in the car. “NO! Dawn no!”

Spike looked up from the bloody mess he was making of the boy, snarling in rage he crushed the head with his boot, damaging it enough to dust the vampire.

Buffy still was shaking her sister as if she could wake her up, regardless of the gapping wounds in Dawns throat. “Dawnie, wake up Dawn!” she clutched the corpse to her chest and began to rock it, singing some lullaby.

“Buffy…” Spike approached her carefully, “Pet…she’s gone. Let her be.”

The slayer recoiled from him, “Stay away from her! You!” eyes wide she kicked clumsily at him, falling over.

“Come on pet.” He spoke soothingly, “Come on Buffy. Let her go.”

She spat the words at him, hate filled eyes burning a hole in the soul he didn’t have. “You didn’t protect her! Your responsible!”


He fed her a blood bag from the cooler box in the back of his car, looking away as her face changed. He had chased off a couple of would-be car thieves when they reached the vehicle.

Now he turned the key in the ignition and gunned the engine, splattering a couple of passers by with dirty water. One shouted something but he just gave the bloke the finger and kept going.


“How is she?”

Willow looked startled by his question, as if he wouldn’t give a damn or something. The red head looked worried, not meeting his eyes.

“Not good.” She looked like she needed a shot of magic or something, he offered her his flask.

Xander was pacing the Magic Box like an angry tiger, ignoring Anya who sat in a heap in the corner sobbing. Spike understood how the boy felt. But what could he say? They all blamed him, as if he had told the bloody nibblet to go creeping off with her friend. Just because he was what he was. He wondered why it hadn’t been her bloody friend who got herself killed, then things wouldn’t be so bad. Not for them anyway and frankly he did not much care about anyone else except Buffy and Dawn.

Failed. He had failed them again, not because he wasn’t strong enough, but because they had got there too late. Even killing the killer hadn’t changed that. He punched the wall, sending plaster flying.

Xander turned, wanting to fight with him, no longer even needing an excuse. Spike just wanted to rip his throat out, but even if he were able he knew it would help. He wanted to cry, as he’d cried for Buffy, but the tears just would not come. He felt empty.

Spike gratefully took the first punch on the chin, tumbling backwards as Willow and Tara tried to brake them apart.


Buffy frightened him. She was silent and pale and seamed deader then him as she sat at the table, looking at her friends. They were waiting for her to say something. He thought about the poor nibblets body, shoved into the cold store at the morgue. Poor kid never got a chance, he thought. Lived millions of years as some mystical blob of energy and then killed in a stupid vamp attack. That was why they were sat here, vamp attack meant there would be…repercussions.

Some one would have to stake her, who though? Volunteers? No? No one up for killing Buffys sister?

“I’ll do It.” he broke the silence, before the words were on any ones lips. He was a monster anyway. What would one more crime matter? Xander opened his big mouth to say something, but thought better of it. Buffy looked up at him, dead calm.

“You’ll do what, Spike?”

“I’ll…I’ll…take care of her.” His voice cracked, “You know it needs to be done?”

“Why Spike?” that calm voice was unnerving, like she was dead again. Possibly she felt as if she was.

“Because….because she’ll turn.”

“Like you did?”

“NO.” he suddenly realised what she was saying, “Buffy you can’t- the poor kid isn’t- do you want her to be like me Buffy?” She’d been sleeping with him on and off since coming back from the dead. But she didn’t love him, couldn’t love a dead thing. And he could not deny that he was just that, a dead thing.

“How will you do it Spike? How will you kill my sister?”

“Tonight, before she….before she knows.”

“What was it like when you turned Spike?”


He had opened his eyes, feeling something inside him. Something alive and vibrant and angry. His Demon, though he hadn’t know that at the time.

Dru had been there, crooning away with her usual drivel. Angelus glowering in the background with his own sire.

All of it had been so new, so alien. But the power, even bowing down to snots likes Angelus he had felt the power inside him. The limitless possibilities, to do whatever he wanted.

He had made a very close relationship with his demon, unlike some who were ruled by them- made animals for the most part, not given to lasting long- he had come to an arrangement with his. They had worked well together, both wanting much the same things.


“You don’t know what its like Buffy! You don’t know what you’re asking!”

“Yes I do. I want you to protect my sister. You said until the end of the world! You promised Spike!” She was standing now, arguing with him.

“It won’t be her! It’ll be the demon in her body.”

“That what you are Spike? A demon? Telling me that a Demon loves me?”

“I..She doesn’t deserve it.”

“Dru was the way she was because of Angelus, wasn’t she? Your still part of the man you used to be aren’t you? Aren’t you?”

“Part.” He sighed, “A small part. It varies with the person, but…”

“We need you for this Spike, until Will can get the Soul curse ready. We need you to do this Spike. We need you to protect her.” That was the whip she held over him, those words he’d spoken.

“Alright.” He sighed. He had a promise to keep.


Dawn rested her head on his shoulder as he drove. If he let himself he could forget the last nine years and pretend he was just taking the nibblet for a drive. She murmured something in her sleep, waking herself. Blinking she looked up at him and smiled.


The first time a new one opened their eyes they were confused, always confused. He watched as she panicked for a moment, thrashing around the bed in his crypt.

Then she was upright, growling for a moment then looking confused.

“Spike?” she smiled, he was her friend, and she knew she was safe.

“Hey there.” He dropped his fag butt, grinding it into the pile of others that had accumulated on his vigil, “how you feelin’ ”

She frowned, a good sign. Reaching up she touched her face, squeaking in alarm and yanking her hands away as if she had burnt them. Scuttling up the bed she banged her back into the cold stone wall and pulled her self into a lump.

“Spike! Spike my face!”

“I know, that’s why I’m here. Don’t be afraid.”

“But! Oh my face! I’m a….” she could not bring herself to say it.

“Welcome to the club. Now I need you to be strong now nibblet. You can do that for old Spike, cant you?”

She nodded hesitantly, so he continued speaking, “Red’s working on a little mojo to give you your soul back. You’ll still have the demon, but that’s what keeps you walking around, so best hang onto him, ehh?” She nodded.

“Now, your going to be getting all sorts of ideas and wants and needs that you wont be familiar with.”

“Like puberty?” very human, trying to classify with something she’d experienced before.

“Like puberty with bells on.” He watched her carefully and was ready when she made her move. Intercepting her before she got two steps off the bed, he grabbed her in a bear hug.

“Oh no we don’t.” her new strength surprised him thought it shouldn’t have. He held her while she hissed and kicked and scratched and tried to bite, he hesitated for a few moments before throwing her brutally against the wall. She slid down it, groaning and for a moment he wanted to go over to her. Tell her he hadn’t meant- then she was up again, growling like an angry cat.

“Now, “ he side-stepped as she rushed him, grabbing a handful of material at the scruff of her neck, “this is going to hurt us both a hell of a lot,” He slammed her into the wall twice, “but we’re going to show you who’s the boss.” He threw her like a rag doll onto the bed. He had a horrible flash back of his own house training under Dru and Angelus. He wasn’t going to have to go THAT far.

He prayed God not.


Dawn was hungry again so he fed her the other blood bag. She slurped it down greedily, licking her fingers clean afterwards.

“So, what you been doing lately?” she looked animated for the first time since he had found her again.

“Same stuff as before you left.” He knew what she was planning from her eyes and sighed wearily, “The doors got a child lock Dawn. Where you planning to go anyway?”

She shrugged,” I did ok so far.”

“You call that place Ok?” he sniffed, “You could do with a bath too. You smell like one of those unwashed undead your sister used to stake.”

“So why do you care?” she hissed, “It’s not like going backs going to change anything is it? I still don’t have a soul, only real people have souls.” Bitterness there, been festering since she was alive, thought Spike.

“Me, I don’t have one either.” He shrugged, “Done alright for me self though. Got a life now."

“Well Whoopee Whoo for you.” She sneered, “And that like means I’m suddenly going to be real or something?”

He slammed on the brakes, ignoring the angry hoots of cars forced to swerve around them. Seizing her arms he put his face very close to hers and hissed, “Now you listen to me you self absorbed little cow, I’ve spent nine bloody years looking for you, we all have. If you think we’d bother doing that for some one who wasn’t real your thick in the head. Your real, where you bloody well came from doesn’t matter. Buffy died for you- remember? You think not being real gives you the right to run around and do what you bloody well like don’t you? Oh poor old Dawn just popped into existence out of nowhere. Well, where you think the rest of us come from? You think we ask to be born? Fill out a form in triplicate?”

“I didn’t ask to be made into a vampire.”

“No, well bloody tough ain’t it? No one stopped you taking a walk on the beach these last few years did they? So live with it.” He released her and gripped the cars wheel for a moment before driving on.


She was a difficult Childe.

Spike was surprised at just how vicious she had suddenly become. It wasn’t just the demon, the demon didn’t send her off nicking stuff before she’d died did it? It was what had been driving her then that was suddenly given free reign. Much like himself.

He hadn’t got to be the Slayer of Slayers because his Demon told him to be, Dead Spike was in many ways the live William the Bloody (Awful poet) suddenly without any of the restraints that had been bearing heavily on him all his life. Being able to do whatever you wanted was not always a good thing for a body.

Spike had forbidden anyone from coming to the crypt until he got her under some semblance of control. If they saw her now they would want to stake her, no doubt about it.

“I want to go out!” she whined petulantly after she’d finished the mug of pigs blood. She was pacing around, but he had taught her- the hard way- about throwing things when she had a strop on. She began to fiddle with the mug, he could see she weighing up another beating against the release smashing it would give her.

“You know I can’t let you out, Nibblet.” He yawned, how many days without sleep? He was losing count.

“I don’t see why not! Its not like I’m going to kill anyone is it? Even if I did that wouldn’t be so bad would it Spike? You killed lots of people. We could share…”

“You want another hiding?” He snapped, angrier with himself for being tempted then at her.

“I hate you!” This time she did fling the mug, shattering it as she dived under the bed and out of his reach. He was just pulling her screeching form out when the door opened.

“Uhh, Hi.” Willow just stood there, looking in horror at him. Didn’t she realise that if he did not get the brat under some control soon she would be a menace? She was looking at him as if he was some sort of monster. Putting on his human face he gruffly asked what she was doing there.

“Tara and me came over to see how Dawnie was doing.” Tara was a little behind Willow, looking concerned.

“Still a bloody monster.” He set her on her feet, “Say hello little bad.”

“Willow! You have to get me out of here! I cant live like this!” Dawn tried to run to the witch but Spike gripped the scruff of her neck firmly. She was bloody dangerous to everyone except him at the moment. “Spike hits me for anything!”

“Soon Dawnie, soon.” Tara spoke soothingly, stepping up beside her lover and putting a comforting hand around her. Willow was on the verge of tears.

“Spike, we need to talk.”

“So talk.”


He glanced hesitantly at Dawn, “You want to talk to Willow?” She nodded.

“You sit right there on the bed then, you get off that bed an’ you’ll be sorry. Got that little bad?” She nodded sullenly, making him feel like a monster. He set a chair out of arms reach of the bed for Willow.

“Red, if she moves, tries to touch you…”

“Sure.” Willow was going to start blubbering in a moment, then the little one would too…Jesus he could not take much more of this.

“It won’t be so bad once we get her black little soul back inside her. For now she’d dangerous…I mean it.” He walked to the corner of the crypt where Tara was waiting, running a hand through his hair wearily.

“So, how long before the mojo’s ready?”

“There’s a problem…”Tara didn’t look away, brave girl thought Spike. Not a kid like the rest of them.

“How big?”

“Pretty big. We’re pretty sure that Dawn never had a soul, not in the sense yo- I mean we, do. She was created, moulded to hold the power of the Key, but we’re pretty sure no soul.” She swallowed, “There’s nothing we can do.”

“Oh bloody marvellous.” He was going to go bald if he kept worrying his hair, he felt like creaming with frustration.

“What’s she been like?”

“You do know she’s got one hell of an angry head? It has been a pretty rough existence for the kid and it’s all free to run around now. What you lot say about the demon not being you is Boll-“ he was interrupted by the squeal of chair legs on stone. Turning he bolted for the struggling bundle of arms and legs and pulled a hissing, spitting Dawn off Willow.

She had been trying to kill her, no doubt about it. He slammed Dawn into the wall, hard. It would not do any real harm to her now. Tossing her into the corner he snarled, scaring the two humans even more. Dawn had her human face on again and was crying. His face wavered for a moment, but he forced his other one to remain. She was sobbing about being sorry, not meaning it, she reached out a hand but he just hissed evilly.

God, in the old days he would have been proud to have a childe like this but now it just alarmed him. In the old days he could have just staked her if she pushed him too far. Spike turned to help Willow to her feet, he was surprised by her reaction to him before he remembered to put on his human face. She gingerly took his hand.

“You OK?”

She nodded, unable to speak. He looked over at Tara.

“It’s not her fault! “He fixed his gaze on Willow, “You didn’t touch her did you?” Harder now to get a reaction “Did you?”

The red headed witch nodded shakily. Stupid cow! The kid was so mixed up right now that she couldn’t control herself…the smell would have been overpowering.

“How could you be so stupid!” he grabbed her arms and shook her, “Don’t you idiots know what your dealing with?” his chip was warming up, he could feel the pre-shock tingle that signalled he was getting out of control. He took a breath, calm, calm, calm, don’t want to kill her really. Not much anyway.

“Come back tomorrow.” Tara nodded at his words, Willow was still in shock. “We’ll think of something, Ok Willow? Get home and have a drink. Or something. It wasn’t anyone’s fault. Just an accident.”


She was restless as Day approached.

“You going to park up somewhere Spike, or do you still drive through a slit?”

“The twenty-first century is a time of marvel.” He intoned with a smirk, flicking the switch that darkened the windows.


“So what you been doing out in the world?”

“After I..After I left I hitched to LA.”

“Angel said you hit town.”

“Yeah, didn’t say hello though.” She scowled, and he had to smile, “I didn’t want to run into him after that one time so I headed up to New York and hung out there for a few years.”

“Tried to find you there. You’d moved on.”

“Yeah, no one wants to really get to know you when you’re the slayers sister. Kinda freaks them. So I drifted around the south for a couple of years and sort of wound up where you found me.”

“Being alone must have been hard.”

“No biggie.” She shrugged, “I had to keep away from other vamps, and only saw one slayer, black girl in Texas.”

“Didn’t kill her?” he tutted, “When I was your age…” he glanced over at her and was rewarded with a giggle. Good, there was still some of the old Dawn there. After what she’d been through he had worried.

“Living on the homeless?”

“Yeah, pretty much.” She licked her lips, “We could stop off for a snack. You said your chip isn’t working all that good anymore.”

“Bit of a hurry pet.” His words sounded a little forced to both of them.

“I don’t want to go back anymore.” She snapped, “I don’t have anything there.”

“Now you’re talking daft.”

“Don’t patronise me.”

“Tell you what, you come home without any ruckus and see what its like. If you don’t like it you can go back to stinking and living in dives. Or I can come with you, show you how to do things a bit better.” There was no way he was letting her loose without someone to watch her back. She had been lucky to make it a decade on her own.

“You’d come with me?” She found the idea intriguing, and he suddenly realised that she had grown up somewhat in the last ten years. Changed.

“I always did look out for you didn’t I?”


“Out of my way Spike.” Buffy was swaying on her feet, he could smell the alcohol on her breath. Couldn’t face the reality of her decision sober. They were outside the entrance to his crypt, she clutching a stake and him blocking her way.

“There’s no need for that.” he pointed to the stake.

“Yes there is.” She wiped the tears from her eyes, gulping “She’s my sister. I have to..To put her to rest.”

“We can work on it. Work something out…”

“Work what out Spike? She tried to kill Willow! I can’t let her kill…I can’t. You know that!”

“She’s a kid, she couldn’t help herself.”

“She’s a monster! She’s a monster! Not Dawn, my sister is dead. Oh my God,” she began to sob, “my sisters dead…out of my way Spike.” she weakly tried to barge through.

“She’s your sister, Buffy. I can’t let you just kill her, never forgive yourself.”

“Not my sister. You were right Spike, you were right and I wouldn’t listen. I let her turn, let her come back as a monster. Didn’t want to listen. “

“I was wrong.” He spoke softly, pleading with her to listen, “It’s Dawn, a frightened, angry, dangerous Dawn, but its her. If the Wicca twins are right she never had a soul in the first place anyway. It’s Just Dawn with a really big problem, OK? Let me deal with it.”

“No. I can’t. “ Buffy gulped again, “she’s my sister. I have to do this for her.”

“I can get her in line, Buffy. I can make it so she is safe to be around again. She still loves you, and your bloody friends, she just doesn’t know how to control it yet.”

“Can you?” she looked at him, if he showed a trace of doubt now Dawn was dead.

“I know I can. Let me do this Buffy. Let me save her.”

Without a word Buffy turned and walked away.


“Is Buffy coming to see me soon?” Dawn sounded mournful, as she always did now after feeding.

“Big sis is very busy right now, nibblet.” He tried to keep his tone light, “Got a lot on her plate right now.”

“Oh yeah, like I haven’t? “

“Cheer up, lil’bit.” He mussed her hair, “You won’t be in here forever.”

“What, like I’m going to go to go back to school? Your not allowed to wear shades in class.”

“You don’t like school anyway.” Her progress, if you could call it that, had been slow. He didn’t like roughing her up so much but if he did not keep her straight she’d be out killing in a hart beat. He had no illusions over that, she was a stone cold killer now. Time to teach her a bit of humanity again….only problem with that was that he wasn’t human.

“Get changed, real quick like, and we can go out.”

“We can go out?” She was exited by the thought, three weeks in a crypt with only him for company had not been much fun. He smiled, she needed her friends and family now that he could halfway trust her not to rip their throats out. She was still the nibblet.


“Can we stop at a motel? I need a shower.” She was hungry too, and he didn’t want her running loose near people. What was he thinking? She had been doing that for years now.

“Clean clothes an’ hot water are waiting. We’ll be in SunnyHell by nightfall. Not changed size have you?” she smiled at his little joke. Then he rang ahead to make sure food would be ready too.


Willow took attempted murder rather well, he thought. She smiled at Dawn when they arrived, inviting her in. She and Tara had been having trouble but they hid it for Dawns sake.

“Oh my, Spike what have you done to her hair?”

“Not been brushing it as much as she should.” He shrugged, he had tried to get her to keep clean, but she had been too lazy this last week. He had been too tired to force the issue.

“Spike didn’t tell me we were coming here!” She glowered at him, ha, like it his fault she couldn’t be arsed to wash? She had perked up immediately on seeing something normal again, and began to munch her way through a large tub of popcorn.

“How do you feel Dawn?” Tara sat near her, looking at her with that searching gaze that Spike always found unsettling.

“Dead.” She giggled, shrugging “Not so bad. I can smell really well now, and see in the dark. Can I go home soon?” she glanced at Spike nervously. He suddenly felt like he was the one who’d tried to kill Willow…well in point of fact he had but that had been a while ago.

“Soon honey. You know Spike’s just helping you work out how to be a vampire without…”

“Yeah, got be a Good vamp.” She sounded sarcastic, “Look, its really nice that your all worried and everything, but I feel lots better. I just want to go home….Hey, does all this mean I can go on patrol? Super strength and all.”

“That’d be Good. Summers sister fighting evil together and all that.” Spike was getting hungry watching her eat, so he stole a handful of popcorn. She growled low in her throat and he raised an eyebrow. Immediately she remembered herself and went back to eating, looking sullen.

He noticed the looks Tara and Willow gave each other when she had asked about patrol. He glanced at Dawn, “I’m going into the kitchen with Tara, “she rolled her eyes in disgust, not liking being left out of the loop, “You just sit there and talk with

Willow. No killing her OK? Bad manners.”

“SPIKE!” she whined at him, “I was trying to forget about that!”

“Just see that you do.” He gestured with his head and Tara followed him into the kitchen. He pushed the door almost shut, keeping one ear trained on the conversation in the next room.

“What’s going on? Where’s Buffy?”

“She..” Her hesitation was a fraction too long, “There’s a lot going on right now, bad demonic stuff.”

He stuck his head around the door. Willow was brushing the nibblets hair to take out the tangles. Dawn looked at him and smiled sweetly. He nodded to her before returning to the conversation.

“Lets you and me play truth or dare. You tell me the truth and I won’t just walk out and leave you to look after Buffys sister tonight.” He saw Tara, wise, accepting Tara, recoil slightly from the thought. Understandable but not something Dawn should see right now. He would not have left her anyway.

“Buffys….upset.She can’t see Dawn right now. Maybe later.”

“So what am I supposed to tell Her? That the Slayer doesn’t want to know now she’d a vamp?” he felt his voice rise. Tara motioned him to be quiet, jerking her head at the door. Dawn, couldn’t let her hear. Spike nodded.

“Not yet, it’s all too much for her to handle. Give her time, Spike…She can’t deal right now.”

“Fine.” He hissed. The Doorbell rang.

“That’ll be Xander and Anya. “ Tara made a pushing motion, he was so close to her she could hardly move, “If you’ll let me get it.” he nodded, fuming.

Dawn was chuffed to see Xander, Spike thought, she probably had a crush on him or something. No accounting for taste. Anya was as tasteless as ever but no one seamed to mind.


She shivered a little as her drove past the sign, glancing at him.



“Why did you bring me back? Here I mean. After what happened….”

He sighed, “It’s your home. And whatever you are, Dawn, your still family.”

  Part II Dawn looked at the house suspiciously. "Willow lives HERE?"
"Like I said, bit of a disappointment to her mum and dad. They thought she was going to be a rocket scientist of somthin'."“ He shrugged, "They got a nice garden if you're into sacred trees and stuff. Good for barbecues too.

What a dump.” The place had without a doubt seen better days, it was old and run down, though cheery painted shutters on the window made it look like a happy home.

“Painted shutters?"

“If Red could have her way the bloody place 'ed be made out of gingerbread. He said darkly as he got out of the car, “Got all broody lately, shame old Taras shooting blanks.

“Eeewww! Your as gross as I remember." She slammed the door shut, looking up and down the street before moving. They were just entering the beautifully landscaped garden when a young woman stepped from the darkness.

“Good Evening Spike." She nodded to him. Her accent was funny, English.

“Karen." He did not smile.

“New girlfriend?"

“Family. Shes all friendly, like me." He put his hand casually on Dawns shoulder.

The girl snorted, shaking dark blond hair out of her eyes, “Lets hope so." She fixed Dawn with an ice-cold gaze; “You take care now, luv."

Dawn said nothing as the girl turned and walked away, watching her until she disappeared.

“New slayer," Spike explained as they walked toward the front door, “Shes not like your sister at all, all business."
He looked wistful for a moment, “Like one I met in china once."

“She looked like she wanted to kill me."

“Dont take it personal, Karen wants to kill everyone. Shes ok with me though, helped her out once or twice."

"You and her...?"

“Ughh, no way nibblet. Shes colder then I ever was. Anyway, between you and me I think youd have more of a chance." He winked as he rung the doorbell, it played the Blue Danube. Dawn looked at Spike and raised her eyebrow. He pretended not to notice.

Dawn was surprised by the change in Willow, she had put on weight, not obese as such but definitely on the tubby side. She wore little round horn- rimmed glasses that made her look like an owl. A fat owl.

The smile was the same, “Dawn!" she grabbed and crushed her into a bear hug, never really a good idea with a vampire. Dawn ignored the sound of Willows hart beating, the swooshing of blood through her arteries, and concentrated on the hug. It occurred to her that this was the first time anyone had hugged her in nearly ten years. It felt Good.

Dawn felt a prickle of tears which she angrily wished away.

“Lucky she dont need to breathe." Spike quipped as Willow released Dawn and half pulled her inside.

“Come on in!" She was too polite to comment about the smell, “Theres cloths and shoes in the bathroom, upstairs. I bought what I thinks current." She shrugged. Wearing a faded green sweater with holes in it Willow didnt look like she had been keeping up with fashion lately.

“Dawnie!" Tara glided out of the lounge to the right, she was still slim and if anything looked more self assured then before. She had a few lines around her eyes but was otherwise unchanged. She glanced at Spike before reaching down to hold Dawns face for a moment.

Eeewww! She was going to pinch her cheeks or something. Dawn resisted the urge to draw back. She had agreed to come back and see how things were.

“You look tired Baby."

“Hungry." Dawn smiled, hoping that Tara would jump or something. The witch just smiled back knowingly and nodded, "Go get changed, pot-roasts almost ready."


God, she had forgotten what it felt like to be clean. Just staying alive had taken up most of her time these past few years, and she'ed been dirty so long that it had just become the way things were.

Stepping onto the landing in her new cloths she paused a moment at the top of the stairs, listening with her sharp ears to the conversation going on down in the dinning room.

“She looks so ill!" Willow, concerned, Dawn smiled.

“Shes been living like some animal these past few years," Spike, upset, "Its a bloody miracle shes still here." Familiar sound of his Zippo sparking up.

“Spike!" Tara, very sharply, “Not in the house."

“OkOK." Sound of footsteps and then a tap running, Spike grumbling softly about not being allowed to smoke.

“You goin' to stand up there listening all night or come down for food?" he called from the kitchen.

“Coming...." She blushed with embarrassment, something she hadnt done in a long time. It was not like she was a little girl anymore, whatever her body looked like. She was what? Must be about twenty-four or five now, she had stopped counting years ago. It wasnt like anyone was going to send her a card or anything.

The dinner smelt good. She didnt need to eat, of course, anymore then Spike did, but the smell made her mouth water. Tara was serving up a huge portion onto Spikes plate, while Willow dished much smaller portions of salad onto Tara and her own plates.

“We've been full Veggans for two years now." Explained Willow, looking longingly at the hotpot, “No icky animal fat in the system. No sir, feel so much better for it." She sighed.

“Not convincing us yet.“ Spikes table manners were the same, he just dived in before anyone else, spitting food as he tried to shovel and talk at the same time, “Mumm! Icky animal fat! I can feel it gluing my arteries right now."

“Spike!" Willow waved her fork menacingly; “You want to eat salad next time you come over?"

Dawn began to eat, feeling somehow out of place, Willow, Tara, even Spike had moved on. Changed, whereas she had not been there to see it. They shared an in joke about the salad dressing that she didn’t get. She ate silently, and they were easy with her, not pushing. Spike knew what she had been doing these past few years, did the other two? Did Buffy?

She swallowed, feeling a little sick. Would they want to know? Didnt they have enough reason to hate her already?


She hissed at him angrily, hating Spike with every ounce of her being but knowing better then to attack him. He just stood there looking sad.

“Calm down." She ignored him, backing into the corner of the crypt.

“I hate you!" she wanted to pull his hair out, gouge out his eyes, rip his flesh.

“Thats just fine." He went to the fridge, fetching himself a beer, "But your still going to do what I tell you." He popped the ring-pull, taking a gulp.

“I want to go home!"

“Not bloody yet!" he was on the edge of loosing his temper now, she wondered how far she could safely push him. Would he stake her? She shivered, maybe.

“I want to go home!" Suddenly she had her real face on, or what she thought of as her real face, and she was crying.

“Oh, Jesus." He dropped the beer on the floor and ran over to her, putting his arms around her and hugging her tightly. He began to rock her gently.

“Its not going to be forever." He smoothed her hair softly with his hand, “Just for a while. You'll see, you dont want to be going round doing something you'll regret do you? You're going to have a long time to regret it. Go all dark and broody like angel? Wear uncomfortably tight pants as punishment?" he wished he could still make her laugh, he missed the giggle most of all.

She just sobbed, he had woken up to find her playing peek-Bo at the open door of the crypt this morning. She'ed found that if she was quick she could get in and out of the sunlight with only a little smoking. Spike had totally freaked and called Xander over to fit locks immediately. Now I really am prisoner, she thought miserably.

“Hows about a patrol? You and me tonight? You said you wanted to do stuff like that."

“Can we really?"

“Yeah. Slayer cant cover the whole town by herself, what you say we give big sis a hand?"

“You think we'll meet Buffy?"

“Dont know pet. Anythings possible."


The conversation finally got around to the English Slayer, Karen, she had moved in Sunnydale from England last year and already stopped two major bad guys dead in their tracks.

“Bit of a psycho." Spike said in a conspiratorial whisper, rotating his finger next to his head.

“She is not." Willow felt the need to speak up for humanity, “Shes just very dedicated."

Spike snorted, “Right, thats why the first thing she did was go and ask Buffy if she should stake me or not."

“Hey.“ Willow grinned, “At least she asked!"

“I still reckon shes really a...." he trailed off as Tara fixed him with a steady gaze.


Dawn made him proud that night.

Her first patrol and she bagged two vamps almost single-handed, oh he'ed softened them up a little first, but she was quick with the stake. Maybe it was an inherited trait? He realised that he should have taken her out earlier, he'd been trying so hard to keep her connected to humanity (Which she wasnt a part,anymore than him) that he had neglected to show her how to be what she was. A killer.

She didnt have the skill yet, but that would come, for these two losers she did not need it anyway. She was flushed with excitement as she knocked the second one down and drove the stake in so far it dug into the soil of the graveyard. He'd chosen to stay close to home, no sense in putting the nibblet in unnecessary danger.

He whistled, “Whoa, now you really are the little bad."

“Like totally cool! Wait till I tell Buffy!" it was unnerving when she had her normal face on, jumping up and down like the kid she was, “More!"

“Thats your Demon talking. Learn to keep it under control or you'll likely end up dead real quick." No sense in sugar coating it.

“Thanks Spike, thats such a cool thing to say." She was going all sullen on him, he sighed in exasperation.

“Come on, you. Time for a feed and bed." He looked at the sky, “Dont want a sun tan do we?" He thought she was going to argue, but suprisingly she trotted up to him obediently and gave him a hug.

“Thanks Spike, you're the best."

“Dont I know it." he smirked to cover his surprise, keeping a wary eye on the stake in her hand, he wanted to trust her but it had been a rough few weeks. Anyway, he didnt trust himself, let alone her.

“Buffy!" Dawn dropped the stake and sprinted across the graveyard as soon as she saw her sister.

Buffy just stood there, she must have been watching the whole fight thing without lifting a finger. Spike frowned.

“Hey Dawn." Spike had seen more reaction from people he'd just killed, the Slayer didnt try to hug her sister. Dawn noticed the change, she had been used to changes in Buffy since shed come back, but this seamed more like someone else. Someone who was not her sister.

“What are you doing Spike?"

“Taking the little bad out on patrol, s'not like shes going to get killed or anything is it?"

Buffy looked past Dawn to him, nodding. He felt suddenly that he wanted to step in between them, God, she was making his skin crawl with her callous refusal to react to her little sister.

“Dont let anything happen to her."

“More likely shes going to happen to something." He smiled, rubbing the nibblets head. See, Buffy, shes cute isnt she? Pet the puppy dog, you know you want too.... You really could say something now, anything would be good....

The slayer smiled distantly, “Take care Dawnie. I got to go." Then she was gone.

Spike could have cheerfully hit Buffy, chip or no chip he felt like kicking her backside into tomorrow. Dawns face said it all, looking at him all confused and upset, tears brimming.

“Come on, pet." He growled putting his arm around her shoulder and pulling her away from the spot, “Feed and bed. We can come out again tomorrow if you want."


“Watch that elbow!" He landed a light punch on her ear, “I can see your punches coming. He danced around her in the crypt, grinning.

She was getting better, not as sharp as her sister of course but getting better. She tried to sucker him in close for one of her nasty little kicks to the knee he suddenly rushed her, pushing her off her feet and laughing as he crudely slapped the top of her head.

“Hey, Not fair!" Glaring at him she scuttled away backwards.

“Who said anything about playing fair?" He was happy at how fast she was learning, not just how to fight but also how to keep herself under control. Soon shed be safe to leave alone with people, soon. He turned, walking over to the fridge to get a beer. She watched him.

“Spike?" Uh-ho, he knew that tone. A touch too cheerful and bright.

“Yes little bad?" he popped the ring pull of his can, foul American beer- tasted like horse pee. He would have to steal some decent stuff soon, a crate of special brew would go down a treat.

“I like it here, with you."

“Thanks." But?

“Why doesnt Buffy love me anymore?"

“Big sis just has a lot on her plate right now, its not that she doesnt love you. Bit of a head trip for her is all." Right, Mr. Reasonable now were we? He felt like giving Buffy the hiding of her life, she had not phoned on the mobile Willow had given him, nor come to visit. She didnt even patrol the same areas as Dawn and him anymore.

The Scobbies had been suprisingly good; Anya had gone now of course- jilted at the altar by monkey boy. Still, Willow and Tara were coming over or having the nibblet over to watch movies and make up parties and other stuff he couldnt do. He knew that they were working hard on their relationship but they made time for Dawn. Even Xander, who was rapidly rolling down hill these days, made time to visit. Giles had called a few times.

Only Buffy was actually rejecting her.

“Anywise, you got me, and the Big Bads enough for anyone.“ he put his beer down and moved towards her, “Ready for another pummelling?"

“As if!"


“That'll be Xander." Willow glanced at her watch,"He's late"

“You dont think he brought her with him do you?" Spike growled, “I told him-"

“Spike!" Willow made a face, glancing at Dawn. Like she was still the baby or something, she was surprised to find that she didnt mind all that much. It felt kinda good to have someone watching out for her again. Tara got the door.

Dawn drew in a breath when she saw Xander; he looked older, a lot older. His hands were lined and callused, while his face had a tanned and weather beaten look she hadnt seen before. He had a limp in his left leg too.

His eyes still lit up when he smiled, grabbing her for a bone-crunching hug she didnt expect.

Why were they all being so nice to her?

“Hey, the Xandmans got a belly!" She tapped the paunch.

“Hey, getting old." He grinned, mussing her hair. She didnt mind.


“No way am I letting you sleep over at Willows!" Spike ran his hand through his hair, wondering how Willow could have been so stupid as to suggest it.

“And why not?" She snarled, kicking a gravestone over in frustration, “You think I'm going to kill her or something?"

He did, she could see it in his eyes. He thought shed actually kill Willow, all that talk about teaching her, trusting her, were all lies.

“No," he bent slightly, talking in that annoyingly reasonable tone he used so much these days, “But you're still having trouble controlling yourself. Know how you feeling, times I could just...." He frowned.

“You think I'm a monster, just like Buffy does!" There, she had said it, revelling for a moment in his look of pain.

“Buffy does not think you're a monster!"

She stamped her foot angrily, “You liar! She does too! And you know it."

“Well you bloody well are a monster!" he snarled, “A bloody murdering, blood drinking monster! Make you happy if I say it?" he reached out for her but she stepped away, she didnt want him to touch her.

He was taking on that pleading tone again, God, it had been better when he'd just beat her, “You have to learn to live with it Dawn. If you dont you'll go bonkers, ok?"

“Go to hell!" she turned and sprinted off into the night.


She didnt need an invitation to get in, it was still home no matter how long she had lived at the crypt. She still had the key, letting herself in to the silent house. She looked around, not needing lights to see the dust everywhere. Mom would have gone spare, the carpet was filthy too.

Creeping carefully up the stairs Dawn opened the door to her old room, hesitating before stepping inside. Everything was where she had left it, sweet wrapper in the waste paper basket, chewed pencil lying on her diary, bed badly made- she had been in a hurry that morning.

She felt a strange feeling come over her, this was HER room, but it felt alien, like someone elses place. As if she wasnt the person who had lived here. That person was dead.

She shivered, backing out into the hall and silently opening the door to Buffys room. She crept in, looking at her sleeping sister.

Buffy still snored slightly, a broken nose from years ago. She lay there peacefully while Dawn just watched her. She saw Buffy for the first time with her new eyes, the creases of her skin, worry lines beginning to form around her eyes, stray hairs. Her smell was new, what Spike would have called Slayer scent filling the room and making Dawn afraid. She just stood there, unsure of what to do now.

The telephone rung, startling her as Buffy jerked awake and blindly groped for the receiver.

“Yeah?" she rubbed sleep from her eyes, then was suddenly pushing herself up into a sitting position, “She what? You let her run around town on her own? Spike you absolute- what? Dont you dare say that! No, I said- I..I cant. Look- you take the north and I'll hit west, she could be- NO, what do you think I'm going to do? I told you not to say that! You told me you could deal with her, Spike, you promised me you'd take care of it. Look, just do it-ok?" Buffy slammed the receiver down with a clatter, throwing herself back onto the pillows with a groan.

She sighed, suddenly holding very still,“Whos there?"

“Its me." Dawns voice sounded very small to herself, she stepped out of the shadows shyly, “Hi Buffy."

“What the hell are you doing here?" Buffy snapped, “You had Spike frantic."

You Had Spike frantic. The words burned her ears, not you had me frantic, or even you had Us frantic.

“I just wanted to see you." She whined, “I dont ever see you anymore. You never come round the crypt, or over Willow and Taras when I'm there."

“I'm very busy Dawn! Dont you know that? Being a slayers a full time job! My lifes hanging together with a thread right now! Why do you think I've got Spike watching you? Its not even safe for you to be here."


“Come on, Dawn, I'll take you back to Spikes.“ She reached for her sweater, “Better phone him and tell him you're here."

“I want to come back, Buffy! I want to come back here! I live here!"

“NO!" she yanked the sweater over her head, “Your safer at Spikes for now. He knows how to-“ She stopped for a heartbeat, “Look after you."

“You werent going to say that! You were going to say Spike knows how to deal with me! Now that I'm dead! You dont want me anymore."

Buffy swallowed, “Thats not true." She said slowly.

“Yes it is!" Dawn yelled, her face changing before she could stop it, Buffys hand instinctively reached under the pillow. Dawn noticed.

“You going to stake me?" She screamed, “You think I'm just some vamp. Your sisters dead to you! You dont want me anymore! You hate me!"

“No. I...“ Buffy looked away, speaking sadly, â“No Dawn, I dont hate you. You're my sister, and that is never going to change. But right now you need to be with Spike."

“You can Burn in hell Buffy!" Dawn stamped her foot, making the room tremble, “You dont love me anymore! Not because I'm a vamp- you loved Angel, you hate me because I dont have a soul. Well if you cant love someone without a soul you couldnt have ever have loved me. So you can burn in hell Buffy Summers! Your not my sister!" Dawn turned and ran down the stairs and out of the house. She ran as fast as she could, ignoring Buffys shouts.

They meant nothing to her anymore.


Dawn looked around the faces at the table, small talk was fading now. They had all been so good to her, if they wanted to stake her now she couldnt say she'¢d have thought the exchange unfair. It had been a wonderful night.

Now it was time for her to start paying, she swallowed then looked around.

“Hows Buffy?"


Dawn had been living with Spike for months now.

He had been like a big brother, a father, teacher. She hardly thought of herself as Dawn anymore. Nibblet, Little Bad, that was who she was. She patrolled with the bleached blond vampire almost every night, she did not bother going to see Willow or Tara or Xander much. When Spike would suggest it she would shrug and change the subject. She knew he was still going to see them, talk to them or whatever. They were not her friends and family anymore. Spike was.


Spike searched his memory often for what had made that night different.

He could not find the answer, no matter how many times he trawled through it.

He had finished his patrol with Dawn, she was getting to be a terror. If he hadnt been determined to keep her on the straight and narrow the trail of destruction they could have sown together...

He had dropped her at the crypt, telling her to lock the door and wait for him, as he usually did when he was going to meet Buffy. She was ok around the Scobbies, not exactly overjoyed to see them but ok. He didnt want to risk what might happen if she ran into Buffy. The nibblet would get herself staked, no doubt about it. She never spoke about it but Spike often wondered what they had said to each other that night Dawn had gone back to the house. Buffy wouldnt tell him either.

“Spike." She turned in the moonlight and he was overwhelmed with how beautiful she looked. Like a goddess, a cold, distant goddess but beautiful and lovely nevertheless.

“Buffy." His throat caught on the words, and he felt like he was floating a foot over the ground.

“How is she?"

“Well, shes well but shes hurting bad. She wont talk but I know its you. She thinks you hate her cause shes a vamp."


Dawn had been creeping out of the crypt while Spike was away for a couple of weeks now. She felt restless there on her own, and was pretty sure she could take care of herself if she had to.

She had just had an impulse to follow him that night. Her footfalls were so light he didnt hear them as she crept behind him through the graveyard. She hung well back as he vanished around the other side of a small mausoleum. Giggling softly to herself she edged forward, she knew he was seeing some woman, or more likely vampire. He had been trying to keep it hidden from her, but she was going to find out tonight.


“You know I dont hate her!" Buffy was looking small and fragile, like the nibblet. He wanted to just hold her and tell her it would all be better. But it would not. Not on its own.

“If you dont see her soon she'll hate you, Buffy. You know that."

“Yeah." She admitted weakly, “I know. But it just cuts me up inside to see her like that."

“A vamp?" He snapped, feeling his chip tingle warmly at what he was feeling, “you knew that in the first place."

“You take such good care of her. She doesnt need me."

“Hardly a good role model am I? She needs a sister who is there for her. I can teach her all the control in the world but if shes got nothing to be human for it'll last all of ten minuets when I'm not around."

“And what do you want to be human for?" she was looking at him with that look. He felt his Adams apple bobbing as he stepped closer. She was breathing faster now, and he could see the rush of blood, hear her hart pound. It had been a long time for the both of them.


Dawn crawled over the mausoleum room, fighting to control the giggles that threatened to break out at any moment. She pushed her head over. What she saw froze her solid.

Buffy. Spike. Spike and Buffy. Together.

She just looked, too shocked to move.

When they had finished they spoke softly. Spike shook his head, like he did when he was angry with himself over something. Buffy was talking again, telling him to go away. He was evil, and she could not do this thing with him. He snapped something that Dawn didnt hear and turned, stalking off..


Buffy just sat there, straightening her cloths unaware that Dawn was watching. Rage built up inside her as she watched Buffy get to her feet. Spike, Spike was hers, and she wasnt going to let Buffy mess him up like she messed up all her boyfriends. Buffy had called him a dead thing, couldnt be with a dead thing, wasnt that why she had turned her back on Dawn?

She crept around the slayer, stepping into the open a few feet from Buffy who jumped.

“Oh, Dawn." She smiled weekly.

“I saw you." Dawn said it with her human face, standing stock-still.

“What?" Buffy actually looked nervous.

“I saw you Buffy. I wont let you hurt him like you hurt me."

“Dawn! You dont know what you s-“

“I wont let you!" and then she was on the Slayer.


“She want¢s to see you." Spike fiddled with his packet of fags, desperately wanting one,“She needs to.“

“Lets go then." Dawn rose, thanking Tara and Willow for dinner. They just looked at her, mumbling that it had been nothing. They could not meet her eye.

She hugged Xander on impulse, whispering for him to take care of himself. He nodded, not as fast with the quips as she remembered.

Then Spike took her to the car and drove her over to Buffys place.


Buffy had not reacted fast enough, and she went down heavily as Dawn landed on top of her. Pounding away at her sister face Dawn let Buffys arm slip over her shoulder and snaked her own around it, feeling the bone give way with a crack. Buffy screamed in pain but the sound only egged Dawn on as slayer scent enraged her.

She was standing over her kicking a limp Buffy to a pulp when Spike appeared out of no where and sent her flying.

He looked at Buffy then at her. His face was dead pan as he reached for the stake in his pocket. Not a word was said as he moved towards her and Dawn was powerless to move. She just sat there and watched him come closer.

It was Buffy, yet again, who saved her by groaning. Spike turned his head to the sound and the spell was broken. Dawn was up and bolting into the night.

She didnt look back.

Behind her Spike was cradling Buffy, rocking.

“Its my fault. I didnt teach her properly!" he sobbed, “Its my fault."


The house looked tired after all these years.

Dawn walked slowly up to the door with Spike, he fumbled with his key. They had not said a word to each other on the long drive here. Now she put her hand on his as he turned the key and pushed the door.

“Spike...What you said. If I want to go you'¢d come with me. Did you mean it?"

He sighed, “If its what you want, yes. I'll up sticks and show you how to live properly. How to hunt real food, mix in with the humans, if its what you want. But see her first."

“There cant be anything for me here."
He did not reply, just letting her follow him into the house. The smell was different, lavender and roses. Dawn could smell slayer, shivering she followed Spike into the lounge.

The other slayer was standing there, lounging against the wall and for a moment dawn thought that they had brought her back and cleaned her up so she could be dusted with a minimum of conscience. The Slayer looked over to them.

“You get around, luv."

“Can you come back later, Karen?" The voice sent an eruption of conflicting emotions bursting up from Dawns belly and into her throat..

“Sure Buffy." The girl nodded at Spike and Dawn and walked out. The Front door closed a few moments later. The room was full of well-padded leather furniture and the chair where she sat squeaked as Buffy rose and turned to face them.

Dawn studied her carefully, noting the scars around her eyes and the slight bend in her left cheekbone. Looking with her enhanced vision Dawn could see the dents in her jaw line, pins or plates or something else to hold the bone together. Buffy walked forward, limping and leaning heavily on her blackthorn cane. The brass handle was made to look like a globe of the world.

Pain. Dawn could see the pain she was in. All those years she had wondered just how much damage she had done. From the way Buffy was walking it looked like she'ed done plenty.

“Dawn!" Buffy tried to move faster, and Spike moved to help her. Dawn could see how protective he was. Buffy leaned readily on him as she hurried forwards.

“Buffy. Hows it going?"

Buffy smiled, her face was still pretty much the same. “Hurts to sit, hurts to stand. Pretty good day."

“Yeah. You got a pupil or something?"

“Karen? I'm her watcher now. Hey, who knows the job better?" the smile came and went from her lips.

“I missed you. We all did."

“After what I did?" she nodded at Buffy. She thought back to how slow Buffy had reacted. Was she just surprised or had she hesitated? Even Spike hadnt been able to do this to her.

“Yes. I missed you Dawn. You're my sister, and I love you." Buffy blinked, “And I want you to come back."

“Even without a soul?"


All of a sudden they were both crying and Dawn was holding Buffy up as they held each other tightly. They held on like they were never going to let go.

Dawn buried her face in her sisters hair, saying she was sorry.

“Hush, hush." Buffy gripped her, still strong, “I shouldnt have pushed you away. I..I couldnt deal with it and I wasnt there for you. I'm responsible."

Dawn just let herself melt into the moment. Suddenly she didnt care whose fault it was, why she was angry or why Buffy had pushed her away.

It was her fault, she had done this. She was responsible, but suddenly it did not matter. She was home.

  Edit a custom page for your Web site: A/N: This is a ‘stream of thought’ sort of thing re-write of the end of chapter two of my ‘Responsible’, if you haven’t read that this will confuse hell out of you. I liked the style of the four Dark Angel stories that I read on this site and thought I would experiment with something similar.

It’s only an experiment so please tell me if it works or not.

1.1 E-mail is Blackmarblesphere @



I rise, feeling my joints crack as I force myself out of the seat. Once death was my gift, now I find that pain is my companion. It is an old friend- is that the right word? I am so used to it now that it is a part of who I am. But still, were I able I would do without it.

She is there, and I hesitate before I turn, afraid and unsure. How long have I rehearsed this moment in my mind, playing the scean over and over until I am happy with it? Now I find that the moment has come, and all is in flux.

So sure. I was so sure how this would go, now I find I don’t know.

I turn, and see her for the first time in nearly ten years. My hart jumps, unsure of what is feeling. She looks the same, but what did I expect? She is a vampire after all, and she will not change unless someone wipes her from existence.

In memory she is always in blue, in the jeans and light top that she was wearing when she died. I remember when I rocked her, singing that silly song she used to need when she was small and didn’t want to sleep.

Now, to see her now looking so unchanged, it frightens me. I Struggle forwards, betrayed by my body as I always am these days. Spike stands beside her, her protector and my friend. I do not really see him. I see only my sister.


Buffy. I’ve been dreaming about her since I died.

Before, in the early days when Spike had to beat me into some semblance of behaviour, I dreamt that she saved me before I died. I saw her as an angel, pulling the vamp off me and staking him. Spike was there, of course, (even then I had a crush on Spike) but he was in the background.

It was Buffy, saving me, that I dreamt of. The real pain was waking up in that cold crypt. Spike was always awake- didn’t he sleep at all in those days?- and watching me.

‘Don’t worry,’ he would say, ‘bad dream is all.’

I would just nod and keep the truth inside me. How could I tell him? He is a demon trying to be a man. He loves me, and I suppose Buffy, but his love is the love of hell. He burns himself with the light as I did that time he caught me and freaked out. Xander had to fit locks, but I could never stop wanting to play with the light, -like cutting myself it’s part of who I am. Once, in Texas, I burnt myself so badly I thought I’d lose my fingers.

To cut myself and see the blood was my first real decision as a human, when I found that my life had been a dream. It hurt but the pain made me feel real.

This pain, seeing her shattered bones and ruined joints, makes me feel unreal. I didn’t want to be real when I see her and what I have done to her.

After that night I saw her jumping off that tower, every day as I slept I saw her die for me and every night I woke up with tears in my eyes. I wouldn’t let them fall, if I did then I wouldn’t feed that night, instead finding a pay phone and staring at it. Wanting to call but afraid.


I watch them, my two girls, as I like to think of them. Buffy, blond baby of the light and my dawn, my dark Dawn…both so very important to my hart. My lover and my child.

I say my hart because I don’t have a soul, don’t need one. With these two it would be a hindrance more then anything else anyway. Why do you think angel acted like such a wanker when he lost his? The release must have blown his mind.

A soul feels pain, real pain and not the shadow that the demon which animates me feels. I would burn in the fire of them. My two girls.

When I didn’t have the chip my unlife was fine and good, killing without remorse and acting out my darkest desires. Said that to the slayer once, Buffy that is- not the new girl- Killing made me feel alive, powerful. Then suddenly I was chipped, neutered (‘impotent’ as Giles liked to say- Giles, I miss the old bugger). Suddenly I could not take sanctuary in the pain of others and expressions of my own power.

Suddenly I was as small as my hart and that frightened me.

I watch my blond girl as she rises, and I wonder what’s inside her- after all these years of caring for her I should know but she keeps something’s from me, things I shall never posses.

I watch my dark girl as she stands there, waiting for and deserving judgment. Nothing against her, deserving judgment is something in the nature of our kind. Will I ever be called to account?

All thoughts of redemption are gone now; I am lost as I watch my girls.


I struggle and Spike comes forward for me to lean on. I don’t hesitate as I did in the early days. He is my old friend, sometime lover- I’m too creaky for him these days but we still perform the act occasionally. Spike, the demon that loves, even today if I think about it I am nervous, wondering how it can be that a monster can feel for me. Then I remember how I treated Dawn and know that I can be a monster also.

I know that he cares for Dawn; I suppose that it began as an extension of loving me, but I know that it grew beyond that. He loves her as Dawn. Nibblet. Lil’bit.

The daughter I cannot give him.

In a way he is the only one of us that knows her as she is now.

I always remember her when she was alive, he lived with her when she was dead. I envy him that knowledge sometimes.

I do not know her now.

She is a predator and not my little sister.

But I love her.


She is talking to me now, some nonsense.

Her real words come to me through my nose and her scent. I can smell her, the faded slayer scent that drove me so wild with hate and fear that night, pain in the smell of sweat which permeates her cloths, and that vanilla scent which I know from before. The only words that matter come then, she tells me that she is my sister and that she loves me.

Sister? Am I her sister? Was I ever?

I wasn’t real for most of my childhood, all those memories perfectly moulded by those cleaver monks. The time I was really alive was so full of pain and loss and then I died. My new unlife confused me; it always struck me as so unfair that I never got to really live properly.

I wonder if there is anything really here for me. Spike, yes Spike will come with me if I go, look after me. All I have to do is see Buffy, see Buffy and know that I should go.

I can feel the tears coming, funny that I haven’t cried in years and now that I’m back in Sunnydale they flow at the drop of a hat.

Spike. I can see that he is Buffys protector, just like he was mine while she was dead. I wonder why he bothered, she was dead and gone. He could hardly impress her but he still watched me, putting up with the way the others treated him- for her and I like to think for me.

He no longer looks like he did, the scent is the same but with other things there- he uses bath scent now- I can smell it. His hair isn’t bleached blond anymore, something more like his natural colour. The bleached mop that shouted ‘Notice me’ is gone.

The real changes are in the way he moves and his eyes. He moves more like a human then he used to, I used to love watching him when I was a girl, the arrogant strutting and easy grace. He was like a cat, pure predator. Now if he wanted he could disappear into a crowd, become the grey man. Invisible.

His eyes, they have more pain then before. I wonder if this is his own pain or her’s felt for her. They don’t look like the eyes of a killer anymore- I wont say that he’s harmless or anything stupid like that- but they are sad eyes. Eyes that have seen too much disappointment….accepting it.

Spike, my old spike, never accepted anything. Even with a chip in his head and tied to a chair he frighten me. You could see that he was planning his next move, knock him down, put him in a wheelchair, chip him- whatever you did to him you just knew he was already plotting his comeback. Always getting ready to turn the tables, on Buffy, on Angelus, on everyone.

Buffy has done this to him.

She has sucked the hate out of him and made him into an empty shell. Does she know how close to us she really is?

She is holding me now, and I am crying, I can’t help it, I love her as much as I hate her. For the first time I know the conflict Spike must have suffered when he realised that he loved his sworn enemy. She is not my sister.

But I love her.


I see them holding each other and feel sad. Sad for all the wasted years, sad for Dawn alone and frightened and Buffy alone and empty.

Yes, I did say alone. Oh she had her obnoxious friend Xander (neither of them think I know about that little thing they had going on a few years ago and I don’t see any reason to tell them I do.), and she had the Wicca girls to lean on. She had me, she always has- its like she’s got a part of me inside her that the rest of me longs to have back. But as much as I love her and need her she will never need me, not really…not in the way I need her.

I have learnt to live with it.

Buffy is the Slayer, and she stands alone. Her sister is the only one that her blood calls for, ties of shared genes and false memories. Dawn is the only one she’ll ever really need, and sometimes I wonder about that too. She didn’t want to be here, in the world, when they brought her back. The Wicca caught her soul and we all kept it here like a prisoner. I did the same that night- made her live through it when I could have let her just slip away in my arms. I know that was what she wanted.

She said something to Dawn that night on Glory’s tower-to live in the world for her, that living in the world was the hardest thing to do.

They, her friends and even Dawn think of it as an act of self-sacrifice.

I know better, I know that she was putting her burden onto the nibblet, the burden of existing, so that she could stop having to feel the pain. Suicide without guilt, I don’t think even Buffy knows the truth- people are so good at hiding things from themselves.

She didn’t jump for the world; She jumped for herself.

I know that she could have dealt with Dawn that night, at my worst I couldn’t have done what a few months dead childe did without thinking. I know that Buffy was asking her sister for one last favour. Putting the burden of killing her onto Dawn so that she didn’t have to carry it herself. So that she could escape us all.

Burdens? Who am I- any of us- to judge Buffy? She had to carry the world since she was a child so who can say she was wrong to want to let it go. Even Atlas had a few moments rest from holding up the sky, before he was turned into the mountains that still bear his name. I don’t judge. I’m not qualified.

She never had much of a life, and I know so very well that feeling of being cheated by the world. Buffy’s been cheating me for years, but if she stopped it would destroy me.

I see them and I know that they are trying to forgive what they have done to each other. I know that they don’t need me at this moment but I stay.

She will stay.

I love them both, but I wonder if this will make things better. I don’t go around to the families of those I have killed and apologise. I wouldn’t put them through that even if I felt bad about what I’ve done. Some things are just too painful, and should just be buried like a dead thing. Buried and forgotten.

I feel joy that my girls are back together again, but I feel a cold knot of fear in my gut.

Dawn has come home.

I pray that it is for the best.

  Note I did start a second, much longer, part for this but never finished. One day I might get back to it and put it up here.